Episode 29: Logic and Sensitivity the Applied Yogi, Level 1 75 min yoga class

by Elsie on February 25, 2007

Grandpa the applied yogi

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Typical Mac User Podcast Live! go to this link on Sunday February 25th at 5pm PST/ 8pm EST chat with me!

Douglas Brooks’s article on applied yogis

Hillary’s Yoga Practice Podcast

Coconuts and Legwarmers Flickr Pics

Vic Hennegan Workshop and My Space

The Sequence:
Hands and Knees

hands and knees

Downward Facing Dog

downward facing dog

Child’s Pose

child’s pose

Hands and Knees variation

table top variation

Downward Facing Dog/Down Dog opening the hip/straight legged lunge

downward facing dog One legged Downward Facing Dog opening the hip straight legged lunge

Uttanasana/Ardha Uttanasana x 3

uttanasana ardha uttanasana

Half Sun Salutations x 3

tadasana urdhva hastasana transition into uttanasana uttanasana ardha uttanasana uttanasana transition into uttanasana urdhva hastasana tadasana

Straight legged lunge/Downward Facing Dog/Plank/Chattarunga/Cobra/Downward Dog

straight legged lungedownward facing dog plank pose chattarunga dandasana cobra downward facing dog

Surya Namaskar

tadasana urdhva hastasana transition into uttanasana uttanasana ardha uttanasana uttanasanaplank pose chattarunga dandasanacobra downward facing dog

Crescent Pose

crescent pose

Child’s Pose

Hands and Knees/Hands and Knees variation (like picture above)/(optional) Hands and Knees variation holding opposing hand and foot into backbend

One Legged Downward Facing Dog with hip squared (optional) lifting opposing arm off the ground a little bit. Listen and slowly try it 😉 it’s just play

Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back

Tadasana with arms interlaced behind the back

L pose at the Wall Demo

L pose at the Wall x 2 (you can also try one Legged L pose at the Wall) thank you Hillary for the pics!

L pose at the wall prep 1 (Hillary) L pose at the wall prep 2 (Hillary) L pose at the wall one-legged-l-pose-at-the-wall.jpg


parsvakonasana prep Parvakonasana with forearm on thigh

Prasarita Padotanasana

prasarita padotanasana

Warrior II

warrior II



Deep Lunge on the Forearms

deep lunge with forearms on the floor deep lunge with forearms on the floor with back knee down

Ardha Bhekasana

Ardha Bhekasana

Pigeon Prep

Pigeon Prep


Setubandha sarvangasana

setubandha stage 1 setubandha robot arms

easy supine twist

supta padangustasana


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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Ayesha97 February 25, 2007 at 4:12 pm

The new pics are great!!! Thanks bunches!


Jessi March 3, 2007 at 4:15 am

Hey, I really liked this class a lot. I think I might do it again tomorrow. i think it’s so wonderful to concentrate on coming back to center and finding balance. It’s so important and wonderful to take the time to do that.
I like your legwarmers, do you make them yourself? I should knit you a pair to thank you for putting out such a great podcast. I really appreciate it.


Elsie March 3, 2007 at 5:57 am

Jessi! are you serious, hand knitted legwarmers? that’s even too much to even dream about 😀 I LOVE LEGWARMERS!!!! The ones that I have on are from Lululemon Athletica, they are totally cool, I have them in 3 colors, the blue ones in the pics, purple and black. They are totally cool. If you happened to live ’round where I teach you would know that I’m the legwarmer queen! I’ve worn legwarmers to practice yoga ever since I began practicing, they just work for me! YEAY FOR LEGWARMERS!!!!


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