Episode 45: Declare Yourself a Sovereign, 90 min All Levels Yoga Class

by Elsie on July 8, 2007

In this yoga podcast:

follow me on Twitter

Podcast Awards (this one is for you Mike and Inge, love you guys!)

Yoga to Lift your spirits with Elsie

Yogeek Workout

Verge of the Fringe

Lance Anderson

PUM (podcast user magazine)

My 1hr interview with Lance

Declaration of Independence

hands and knees

hands and knees

adho mukha svanasana

downward facing dog
eka pada adho mukha into lunge

one legged downward facing dog with hips squaredstraight legged lunge

plank down 3 inches, downward facing dog
uttanasana with arms behind the back

arms behind in uttanasana

uttanasana/ardha uttanasana

1/2 sun salutations


plank pose

chattarunga dandasana


Surya Namaskar

Crescent Pose into backbend twist thing

crescent poselunge twist backbend


Crescent Pose into back bend twist thing

crescent poselunge twist backbend 2





vashistasanavashistasana prep

Vira II

warrior II
Ardha Chandrasana/Pavrita Ardha Chandrasana

ardha chandrasanarevolvedac.jpg

Pincha Mayurasana (demo with Danielle) pretty long explanation, go at it on your own 🙂

pincha mayurasana arm alignmentpincha mayurasana prep 1pincha mayurasana prep 2pincha mayurasana

tree pose

standing hip stretch

Standing Hip Stretch Front (shrub)Standing Hip Stretch (shrub)

Pigeon Prep
Pigeon with thigh stretch

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana with a thigh stretch
supported bridge or urdhva dhanurasana x 3

urdhva dhanurasanasupported setubandha with a block

easy supine twist

supta padangustasana


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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

mikeitos July 11, 2007 at 6:21 pm

beatiful intro theme weaving the universal with the personal, sacred with the secular. The time travel part was vivid. It made me imagine what you might if you stayed.


Elsie July 12, 2007 at 3:36 am

thank you mikeD. much love to you, and thank you so much for listening 🙂


Mariko November 22, 2010 at 8:06 pm

Hey Elsie!

I always wondered why it was so hard for me to kick up when trying to do Pincha Mayurasana with a block. Thanks for emphasizing that we need to keep looking at the block! 🙂

Thanks for your great podcasts! Hope all is well with you and your family!



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