I’m part of an amazing project called:
2,996: A Tribute to the Victims of 9/11
Bloggers honor the innocent victims of that awful day…
Each participant (blogger) clicks on a little button and recieves the name of the person which we are to honor. It’s incredibly challenging as we really have no prior knowledge of this person.
My tributee is Michael M. Taylor.
I decided, since I have a podcast to use it as another way to honor and remember Mike.
Today’s class is dedicated to Michael.
It’s a level 2-3 class, a bit on the challenging side for those who are beginners, but remember, you can always listen to the 1st 10 min of the podcast to hear that which pertains to Mike.
Episode 8, a special class that I taught on September 11th, is also dedicated to Michael. That class is a beginner’s yoga class, perfect for most everyone, so we can all honor Mike together, in a new way 🙂
The post for Episode 8 includes a lot more about Michael and my process in choosing to do this, so please, check it out!
Also, if y’all want to read about the rest of the amazing people that we lost on September 11th, here’s a link to the other bloggers:
The Sequence:
warm up poses,
Surya Namaskar x3/Sun Salutations x 3
Parsvakonasana/Side Angle Pose
Virabhidrasana II into Reverse Warrior/ Warrior 2 into Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana to Ardha Chandrasana to Trikonasana/Triangle to Half Moon to Triangle
Uttanasana/ Forward Bend
Handstand/Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Vrksasana to Vira III to Crescent Pose, to Pavrita Parsvakonasana, to Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana to Uttanasana/ Tree Pose to Warrior 3 to Crescent Pose to Twisting Lunge, to Standing Splits to forward bend
Parsva Bakasana/Twisting Crane
eka pada rajakapotasana prep/Pigeon prep
Monkey Lunge
Ardha Ustrasana/Half Ustrasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana/Upward Facing Bow x3
Agni Stambasana/Fire log pose
Ardha Matsyendrasana/Lord of the fishes twist
Supta Padangustasana/Hamstrings stretch on back
Happy Baby
REMEMBER: If you want more of this theme and want to slow it down and let it land deep inside of your heart, practice along with this powerful level 1 yoga class
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