Kubera Mudra- The One To Harness Focus

by Elsie on December 22, 2010

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The second mudra is called Kubera Mudra

One of the hardest things to do once you have resolved to stick to a really meaningful promise to yourself, or you’ve committed to something really valuable to you is sticking to it. We always waver. No matter how strong your commitment.

Kubera mudra is a physical expression of your deepest wish to stick to it. It’s very simple and this can be done so easily almost imperceptibly anywhere. It’s very cool 🙂

Practicing Kubera Mudra

The first thing you do is embody your sankalpa, your deepest heart’s desire. If you can be clear and simple in formulating the words of your intention in a positive way, that would be really great.

  • Settle into a quiet place regardless of where you are physically.
  • Place the tip of your thumb, index finger and middle finger together, bend the other two fingers so that they rest in the middle of your hand. Putting your fingers together in this fashion is a huge forceful commitment. You are harnessing desire, power, faith, courage and intensity behind those fingers.
  • If you happen to be alone and are up for speaking out your intention do it three times while holding the mudra.
  • Sit until you begin to sense your sankalpa seep into your breath and heart- again.

If you are out in the wild, just hold your fingers together in this fashion and let that power fuel the support that you need to follow through with your highest intentions.

A bonus feature of the Kubera mudra is that it opens up and decongests the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw air up upward as if you were smelling the sweetest yummiest perfume.

So you’ve gotten the background of the Grounding Mudras, you’ve learned about Ganesha Mudra, and now you’ve got this one.

Have you tried them? One? If you do let me know! Leave me a comment 🙂

Check out the other 2 videos that go along with this mudra series:

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{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

Online Yoga Teacher December 29, 2010 at 12:39 pm

No i haven’t tried any of these yoga postures, will try them soon. Thanks for the share !!


Mindful Meditation April 28, 2012 at 5:04 pm

This is very interesting. I am definitely going to try this exercise and start to work with this mudra. Thank you for sharing this information.

Jessica Tanner


Ghajabiram Sriramulu June 24, 2012 at 7:46 pm

This Mudra actually works! I initially tried it for silly purposes and thought it was a coincidence, but this when used for serious purposes in terms of wishing to save life/lives, i became confident this works!!!


Sangeeta August 27, 2012 at 5:36 am

How long should we hold this mudra?


Elsie August 29, 2012 at 3:30 pm

mudra work is very variable. There is no hard and fast rule 🙂

At first simply holding the mudra for 5 to 10 breaths will help you attune to it’s energy, especially if you plan to practice it consistently. As you attune to the energy of the mudra, you can hold it from 1 to 10 minutes depending on why you are practicing and where you are practicing.

As with any aspect of your yoga practice, make sure you are mindful about the practice itself. Perhaps above any other practices, mudra practice requires a deep attunement, or shall I say, a receptivity, a staying open so that you can feel the very subtle shifts that the mudra offers. It’s in the allowing that the magic happens 😉

I hope that helps!


Sangeeta August 30, 2012 at 6:02 am

Thankyou Elsie!


Karma November 20, 2013 at 5:23 pm

Necropost! I gave it a try. One tip I’ve been trying: refer to your goals, if possible in the past tense, and if not, in the present tense. Always say “I finished my project” or “I’m finishing my project” or “My project is finished.” Remove words of doubt like in, “I want to finish my project” or “I should finish my project.” Be on the look out for words of doubt like “should” or “would” when you have something you wish to tackle.


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