If I could take a yoga class on Christmas Day…where would I go? and My schedule after Christmas

by Elsie on December 22, 2006

I would sooooooo go to my bud Huck’s class at Bala Yoga. Oh my gosh it sounds so very cool and so much fun! the whole theme is based on the 12 days of christmas, making it about yoga poses. I wish I remembered what the flyer said, the flyer is not on the website at Bala, but it’s a 2 hour class from 10am to 12. I would be so into it, if I was around 🙁


Here’s the info about Huck’s class in his own words!!!!! Come check it out!

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood,
but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do
members of one family grow up under the same roof.”

— Richard Bach, Illusions

dear kula,
if you are in town and unscheduled, come spend christmas morning with
your family of amazing yogis and yoginis for a playful yogapalooza of
the 12 asanas of christmas: 12 standing poses, 11 chaturangas, 10 toes
like starbursts, 9 jumps from down dog, 8 crooked limbs pose, 7
twisting asanas, 6 different backbends, 5 rolling oms…4 lines to
chant, 3 times through, 2 handstand splits — and savasana, the pose of
the corpse.

10am-noon @ bala yoga (www.balayoga.net)

p.s. there will be no screaming, no glazed hams, no ghosts of yoga
past. just fun and smiles and light.

with love,

Now doesn’t that sound like fun?

I’m going to be going home tomorrow night (to my parent’s house) and spending a sweet weekend and beyond hanging out with my folks. Honestly, I’ll be lucky if I get in a seated twist on a chair 🙂 I’m also in La Verne, which is basically the boonies, so not many yoga studios around there, let alone ones that would happen to be open this weekend, with the exception of Green Tara Yoga, which is in Upland. I tell you practicing at my parent’s house is very very very hard, #1 too cold! geez! #2 too many cookies, my Mom is the best baker ever. So, my yoga will be just to chill and to go to Starbucks with my Dad. I love going to Starbucks with my Dad, it’s one of my most favorite things to do!

Getting back to yoga: the mighty accidental yogist, has put up an incredible post (the December 19th Christmas Holiday Schedule post) giving ALL the yoga classes during this upcoming week! She touches on every studio in SoCal (almost, except for La Verne, but really who goes to yoga there? I know that there are people who are in dire need of it over there, like me!)

Now about ME!!!!! Not shy at all!!!!!

christmas me

I will be teaching Christmas week! (at least for 3 days)

Friday December 29th will be the last classes I will teach in 2006!!!

I will be back teaching my regular schedule JANUARY 15TH 2007!!!!

hope to see y’all then 🙂

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

danielle January 7, 2007 at 11:19 am

i like your eyes in the pic. i wish i didnt have brown eyes!!


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