A 35th Birthday, My Way

by Elsie on February 7, 2007


So I woke up about 8:30am (wanted to get up earlier but, sleeping, first favorite thing to do)

Got a chance to check some of my email early and was just so happy getting all kinds of ecards! and happy birthday wishes on My Space, oh, it’s just the best 🙂

I really couldn’t find a class that I wanted to go to that lined up with my schedule, so I practiced on my own. I did 30 Sun Salutations, 10 Surya Namaskar A, 10 Surya Namaskar C, 10 Surya Namaskar (elsie variations, whatever felt good to me), 1 lunge with thigh stretch, 1 supta virasana, 2 urdhva dhanurasanas, 1 paschimottanasana. I figured the 30 salutations represented the strength and vigor of my first 30 yrs, and the other 5 poses where a representation of the depth and desire to refine my life. Oh yea, and while I practiced I listened to the Daily Breakfast.

Podcasting is part of my favorite things, so I did a lot of it today.

Showered while listening to Buzz out Loud.

Got dressed, wearing great yummy new socks that my student Mariko, gave me, pink and snuggly with some of those rubbery sticky things on the soles (so I don’t slip while I teach) and my most special birthday shirt a ‘Life is Good,’ shirt, so appropriate 🙂

I headed over to Urth Cafe, listening to the Manic Mommies Podcast. No, I’m not a Mom, but I do enjoy listening to those two! I wanna be just like them when I become a Manic Mommie 😉 Getting back to Urth Cafe, oh, the best, best, best, coffee. I crave it at times. I had a fantastic breakfast, egg whites with mixed greens and the yummiest bread. While I was there, my dear friend Joe called me to wish me a Happy Birthday. I haven’t spoken to him I would say in about 6 months or so. Geez! He is such an incredible artist, and such an amazing human being. We spoke about podcasting and how he should get involved, so if he happens to become a famous podcaster, both video and audio, y’all heard it here first!

Sweet Hillary phoned me while talking with Joe, and then forgot to call her back. She made me happy with her phone call and emails 🙂 I have great friends.

The next stop: The Grove. It’s such a great little place. I throughly enjoy hanging out there, not necessaraly on weekends, but on a weekday, oh yea baby. I was supposed to go to a movie, but I decided to shop instead, and began listening to the Typical Mac User Podcast. I’m telling you I’m a podcast listener fiend! Anyway, I love shopping, but it has to be on a day that I’m in the mood, forced shopping doesn’t work for me, at all. Of course Forever 21 was my first stop, I even had a Christmas gift certificate that I hadn’t used!

Browsed around, and blogged a little bit, infront of the Apple store of course! My sweet friend Michelle called me, we chatted a little bit. You have got to listen to her music, here’s her My Space Page, or buy her songs on itunes. She rocks!

Get this: as I sat at the Grove I saw 3 or my students!!! Puck, Robert and Ryan 🙂 I felt like a famous person, as they all wished me Happy Birthday, how cool is that?

What I saw throughout the day was life. I watched the movement of people. I felt the sunshine, I allowed for space.

On my way home I stopped to see my dear friend Marcia. We became friends about 6 yrs ago. She was my first client. Marcia is 76 yrs. old, and I love her. She gave me English tea (as she’s English) and some marmalade, AND she gave me the most gorgeous drop earrings made from a cluster of baby pearls. They were hers. I was honored. She is the sweetest.

As the day came to and end all I knew deep inside is that life is to be drunk, savored and enjoyed. You don’t need bells and whistles, nor even a birthday, although it does serve to remember. I pondered: what if it wasn’t so gorgeous outside today? what if I couldn’t take the day off to do what I wanted to do? what if everything didn’t line up? Well, then it would be my gift. My gift to unwrap, in a new way. I do feel stronger, from the inside out. I feel more part of this world than ever.

My last gift to myself: a commitment to pray a Novena to St. Anthony. It is Tuesday. I don’t know if I’ll be doing 9 consecutive Tuesdays or 9 consecutive days. Novenas are hard, as one has to maintain the fervor and passion as times goes on. I’m older now. My desire should be stronger.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

hillary February 7, 2007 at 9:16 pm

once again you are too cute and love the happy day… of podcasts and coffee blasts.. urth is something to savour… xo


Victor Cajiao February 7, 2007 at 9:23 pm

Well I want to wish you a very happy birthday and say you have given all of us in the podcasting community a gift for your birthday by sharing your great joy of life with all of us. Feliz Cumpleanos.

From Victor


joni February 9, 2007 at 11:14 am

sounds like you had a great birthday, elsie! sending you the very best belated birthday wishes…

as for the novena, 9 consecutive days is definitely easier than 9 tuesdays. not only is your determination stronger in the beginning, but you’ll get it over sooner!


danura February 11, 2007 at 1:20 pm

Happy happy birthday! hope your birthday was a blast! May you be showered with great health & wealth, love and blessings! hugs! Danura.


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