Remembrance: October 2, 2008 My Birthing Day

by Elsie on October 2, 2009

One year ago today, my sweet and magical daughter Hunter Rose came into the world. And yes, my life has changed completely. The lessons of this past year have been so many that I can’t even begin to wrap my mind around them. I do know this: Children are a gift from God. And I don’t only mean your own children, but children in general. They are a conduit to make us grown ups better and better people. I say this as the moments that are clearer in my head when I look back at this year are those that were the most challenging. The ones where what I wanted DIDN’T happen, as HER will overrode my control. The moments where I was on the brink of giving up, as I felt I just didn’t’ know how to do this mothering thing. Every day I’m reminded that “I am enough” and  I am not in control. My will power is at its optimal when it is aligned with something Bigger and it ebbs and flows to find it’s optimal expression in our lives. If I cling to an outcome or ‘want’ a specific result, I’m invariably reminded at times sweetly, but often times by loud crying or screeching 😉 that I need to let go, soften and allow.

It all began that way. I had all sorts of plans for what I wanted my birthing day to be. What I actually experienced was the exact opposite of what I planned. Hunter was born, in the way that was best for her AND for me. This humble let go is a lesson I learn and relearn at every moment of every day. In this often times uncomfortable challenge I say ‘Thank you my daughter, for you are casting light on our family every day. I am grateful for gifting us the refining process of becoming ever more clear at living ausipicious lives aligning with the Highest Divine Will’.

Here is her birth story, as her Daddy shared it a Year ago.

So here’s the skinny: Hunter Rose Miyan was born at Allegheny General Hospital, in the North Side of Pittsburgh, on Thursday October 2nd, at 2:16pm. She was 5 pounds 15 ounces, and 19 inches long right out of the love oven. She was born via cesarean. Shock and awe! That’s how it went down!

Here’s why: Hunter wasn’t due until October 21st at the earliest. For those of you who know a little bit of pregnancy theory, first babies cook a bit longer. So Hunter wasn’t due until week 39 or 40. However, in the greater scheme of gestation, she was good to come out at week 36, which was the end of Sept. / beginning of Oct. Elsie and I are both organic, green, healthy people. So, we arranged with the mid-wife center of Pittsburgh to do a natural birth at their center. We had birthing classes there, made good friends, connected with really knowledgeable and experienced nurse mid-wives, and learned an incredible amount about the birthing process. We both believe that the experience of naturally birthing a child, if possible, is one of the most, if not the most empowering experience of a woman’s life. We were natural all the way, and because of our health practices, we were awesome candidates for a great natural birthing experience. Everything was going as planned. However, we had one small glitch: the baby was breech.

As a matter of theory, the baby was actually “Frank Breech”. That is where the bum is down, the head is up, and the legs are jacked upward so the feet are in front of the face. Frank Breech…I want to steal that name for a Phillip Marlow type detective novel! Anyway, there are a lot of techniques and practices that one can use to try to help and turn the baby head down: chiropractic (Webster technique), Moxabustion at an acupressure point on the pinky toe (don’t laugh, New England Journal of medicine published clinicals that showed serious results), Yoga techniques, and this thing called External Cephalic Version or “Version”. A Version is where an OB tries to manually turn the baby from outside the belly. Pretty good success rate on that one as well. We were doing the Webster thing, doing the yoga thing, considering the moxabustion thing, and decided to go to an OB and try the Version.

When you go for a version, you have to try it around 37 weeks, because there is an incredibly small chance that the baby might have a big time distress, forcing an emergency C-section. So, the baby has to be cooked enough to come out. Well, we scheduled our Version for October 2nd. We went in figuring we would give the baby a nice toss-about, and then head to Whole Foods for a celebration. That didn’t happen. Here’s what happened: Hunter’s bum was way down in Elsie’s pelvis, so Dr. Thomas told us that there wasn’t a large chance that he was going to be able to turn her. In order to get a good turn, the butt has to be out of the mother’s pelvis – there has to be daylight between the bum and the mommy pelvis. So, what Dr. Thomas was going to attempt was to try to lift Hunter’s bum out of Elsie’s pelvis, check under-bum daylight with the ultra sound, and then give a spin. Dr. Thomas was able to get Hunter’s bum out of Elsie’s pelvis, but when he checked daylight with the ultra sound, he saw something else. Dr. Thomas saw something that he had never seen before in all of the decades that he had been practicing. Elsie had 3 accessory lobes to her placenta. That is, she had a big oval of a placenta with three small ovals growing out of the bottom of it. The main placenta, itself, was high in Elsie’s abdomen and in front of the baby. This is a good scenario as far as birthing goes. The placenta proper was out of the way. However, one of those vestigal lobes had managed to tuck itself under the baby, and was blocking Elsie’s cervix – the gateway out.

When the whole placenta covers the cervix that is called placenta previa. Placenta Previa is a very dangerous situation because labor will push the baby into the placenta, which will stuff itself into the cervix and block the way. The placenta then tears, and starts massive bleeding. So, in placenta previa, the mother bleeds massively and the baby is blocked. Over a century ago, if you had a placenta previa case, it often resulted in the death of the baby and the mother. Our previous ultrasounds showed no example of placenta previa, because the placenta proper was up high in the abdomen. In the previous ultrasounds, Hunters bum was blocking the view of the lobe blocking the cervix. So, it wasn’t a pure case of placenta previa. But it definitely was a distant cousin at best. There was still danger that labor could cause the bleeding/block phenomenon, so, once the lobe was verified, Dr. Thomas told us, out of the need for safety, we were having the baby that day, via cesarean.

We were, of course, shocked as hell and totally unprepared. Dr. Thomas scheduled us for 4pm in the afternoon (It was about 1pm when we were told we had to have the baby that day). While we were getting our plan together for dealing with everything, Elsie started bleeding a little bit. It wasn’t a big deal – probably due to Dr Thomas bumping the lobe when he pushed Hunter upward. Dr. Thomas’ take was that small spotting was how, in the old days, doctors could tell it was a placenta previa case. Anyway, once Elsie bled a bit, Dr. Thomas called an audible, moved the schedule around, and told us we were up next in the delivery room. It went from “We have 3 hours” to “We have 20 minutes”. Again, there was no panic, but we had ZERO time to absorb and process. Before I knew it, Elsie was getting taken into the delivery room and I was being handed some undersized scrubs. 20 minutes passed, they brought me into the D-room, I held Elsie’s hand for about 10 minutes, behind a curtain, as they pulled the baby out.

It was that fast.

So, Hunter is here. She is gorgeous like her Momma, and all is well. Oh…the name. Hunter? for a girl? yeah, we know, not really typical. Well, October is immensely powerful for us. We met in October and had incredible powerful experiences together. Especially around the full moon. The baby was also due in October. The moon in October is known as the Hunter’s Moon. That’s where the name originates. 🙂

Powerful huh?

I’m still recovering! 😀

Happy Birthday my darling daughter!

Oh, and by the way. I would LOVE for you lovely folk to share wisdom that you have gained as you were gifted with the title of ‘parent’.

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{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

Monica Ibarra October 2, 2009 at 5:44 pm

I am speachless. Sobbing out of sheer awe from your experience. Wow! Alot to absorb in such a short time. Although it was a difficult time for you what a beautiful story of love and acceptance. Your letting go and accepting His plans and not yours is exactly what parenting is all about. When things get difficult just think of those moments and it will be His plans not yours. Mindfullness comes to mind… Thank you for your beautiful story! Happy Birthday Hunter!


Elsie October 9, 2009 at 2:17 pm

Thank you so much Monica. Thanks for sobbing, as I didn’t really have time to sob 😀 It all just happened so fast! Oh man that let go, I tell you, it’s the biggest lesson I continue to learn, over and over and over again!


Patricia Telesnicki October 2, 2009 at 7:21 pm

Elsie, I have so enjoyed following your journey with Hunter this past year. It has brought back so many warm memories of the special time with my daughter. It truly was a magical year and I would not have traded that time for anything. My baby just turned 7, so it really is true, the time goes by much too quickly. Hold on tight to that sweet little one, bask in every glowing moment. The best part is, it only gets better and better. Your heart grows even bigger, they make you laugh more, you get to experience everything as if it were new again. Most importantly (and you probably already do this) but always trust your motherly instincts. Sometimes it is easy to let the voices of others drown out your own, but you will always know what it right for that angel. She is a lucky little girl to have such a magical mami! Happy Birthday to you both.


Elsie October 9, 2009 at 2:20 pm

Oh!!! 7 what a magical number! I’m sure the time goes by soooo fast. I can’t believe it, every morning I wake up and think Hunter has grown sooo much, it’s crazy.

I’ve heard that from many Mom’s the whole thing regarding it gets better every day. I already feel that. She shares her magic with me all the time.

It’s interesting about the whole trusting your motherly instincts. I do my best. It’s amazing how strong they are and how often, when there’s a slight bit of fear or doubt how those are the first ones you question! I wonder why….We know so much and we don’t trust it!



Kelly Bowe October 2, 2009 at 7:39 pm

Seven years ago, our sweet Max was born and definitely not in the natural way we had planned. It wasn’t as dramatic as your experience, but it was unexpected at best and immensely frustrating at worst! Thank you for the insight about Hunter coming the way that was best for both of you. That offered me some perspective that I have never had before. You have given me so many gifts with your podcast classes, your observations about life and your journey with your little one. Sending you and sweet Hunter love on this day and always, my gift in return.


Elsie October 9, 2009 at 2:23 pm

Oh hear you about the frustration. Actually I was too shocked to be frustrated 😉 then I was a bit heartbroken for a while after….but I’m all over that now!

I know that Hunter was meant to come as she did, when she did. I can truthfully say that now, when it happened I was still holding on to what I wanted, but it’s interesting how clear and beautifully it all worked out. We were certainly blessed to have had all that happened happen when it happened 🙂

We LOVE to receive the ♥!!!! The best gift, thank you!


Caridad Ponce October 5, 2009 at 12:41 am

Dear Elsie, thankyou for sharing so much. I am from Quito – Ecuador. Every time I need to plan a class and class theme your stories help so much because I also have a baby boy 16 months old and I can relate to everything you say. Tomorrow I will try teaching a class with my baby hanging on my back with a sling and I will tell my birh story… I planned a natural birth at home with a midwife and a doctor. The baby was 43 weeks old (big – 9 pounds – big daddy – I am tiny) but everything else was perfect. I was in labor at home forty hours and fully dilated the cervix but he was too big to come down… so I had to let go and had an emergency cesarean… and from then on deep teachings of letting go with every day motherhood…children the sweetest gift from God. Happy Bday to your beautiful FAMILIA!!!


Elsie October 9, 2009 at 2:27 pm

I love to serve as a bit of inspiration! AWESOME 😀
Oh sweet baby boy! 16 months how great!

Isn’t amazing how absolutely different all of our experiences are but at the same time there is so much that is absolutely the same. The connection of motherhood runs soooo deep.

Thank you so much for sharing your story! Wow, 40hrs of labor. Goodness me! I’m so glad that you have your beauteous baby with you now. What an incredible journey! Amazing


Tracee Sioux October 7, 2009 at 11:14 am

Happy Birthday Hunter. This was a lovely story!


Elsie October 9, 2009 at 2:27 pm

Thank you Tracee!


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