The them for this class was inspired by this episode of Merlin Mann’s talk at Rutger’s University. Check out the talk. Not about yoga, but very yogic. I think he’s awesome.
Let it Go From Your Head and Drop In Your Heart
I know that if I asked you who or what you hold valuable and dear you could tell me without much thought. I’m sure that you’ve thought about how much your family, your homes, your friends, your culture, etc. means to you. I’m sure that now that I’ve brought your attention to this, you have a clear idea in your head and feel pretty strong about where you place your value.
The thing is, that we think about this too much. I mean that we keep that which we value in our thinking mind. We intellectualize much more than we internalize it, within our hearts. There is a level of detachment that comes with it. Yes, we love our family. Yes, we love our friends. Yes, we value our home. Here’s the question: Do your actions, from day to day, from moment to moment honor and abide by that higher intention? If we could graph our daily activity, and our daily thoughts, what truly takes up the majority of our days? What would it show?
I know that for me, my graph would show huge interaction with my cellphone and my ipod. It would also show me constantly checking my email, FB, Twitter, and stats. (Note the word checking, there is no actual engagement involved.) And these are my physical behaviours behaviors I am also guilty of being with my daughter and having my mind full of everything BUT my daughter. I think more about podcasts, blog posts and creating content on a daily basis than I think about my breath, my body and growing my relationship with those that I have said I hold valuable. There are countless opportunities to deepen relationships. There is enough time. I know that I tend to leak my energy in places, thoughts and actions that in no way deserve it. Unconsciously, through my thoughts and actions I am serving and cultivating less than optimal relationships.
The level of commitment and discipline required to sustain an optimal level of engagement and relationship in our lives is great. It requires that we choose, and choose again, always refining and clarifying moment to moment. We must sustain the focus throughout our days, slowly building a strong internal practice, that lets us be at once soft and steady.
As I became aware of this for myself, I had to share this. I know that I am not alone. My desire is to place what I value in my heart, not in my head. My desire is to engage and hold the sacred where it’s meant to be.
How about you? Do you observe your behaviors and thoughts serving and cultivating less than optimal relationships? In what ways to do abide by the Highest?
FYI! There’s a video towards the end of the post to supplement this episode 🙂
And speaking of the video…Thank you my dear and lovely sponsors Prancing Leopard Organics! The clothes that I’m wearing in the video are from them and I ADORE them 😀 Listen to the intro to this episode to get your coupon code for 15% off your purchase!
This episode’s online yoga class podcast is a Level 2 class.
This class was recorded at BYS Yoga Studio in Pittsburgh on April 29, 2010
The Sequence of Yoga Poses for this online yoga class:
Downward Facing Dog Hold
Uttanasana Hold
Downward Facing Dog/Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana/Straight Legged Lunge
Hands on Hips Shoulders up and Stand up
Warrior II
Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita Padottanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana
Prasarita Padottanasana with option to hold the big toes
Tree Pose
Chattarunga Hold
Upward Facing Dog
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
Downward Facing Dog
Heel Sit
Supported Back Bend With 2 Blocks
VARIATION Supported Supta Virasana With Blocks
Child’s Pose
Supported Supta Baddha Konasana
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Hi Elsie!
I really really really enjoy your classes and I’m so happy to have discovered your website. Your classes are challenging enough for me to enjoy immensely, more than many yoga studios I’ve gone to. Very rarely have I taken a yoga class with such a master teacher such as yourself and I’m very grateful to you. The topics you touch upon during the classes are so relevant and I always find correlation between them and what’s going on in my life.
Many many thanks and may God bless you!
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