An iPhone 4 Yoga Class For Your Enjoyment!
And here I thought that I was going to get some time to be able to publish more episodes to you guys…in JULY.
Not so much, but alas! Here’s a yoga class to start the month off right! This one is close to my heart. It’s focus is all about the way we are swayed and often times misguided by what we see and hear all around us, especially the media. It is a call to take responsibility for our choice making and the way we go about making choices. The inspiration for this class came straight from all the hoopla around the iPhone 4 and its antenna issues.
If you happen to follow me on Twitter or are part of the Facebook Elsie’s Yoga Kula Community, you would know that I have an iPhone 4! Yipeeee! So I speak from my own experience with the device, and I’m totally loving it!
Given that I’m sure you have heard at least something about the whole antenna thing, so I sorta offer my 2 cents about it and wrap it around a yoga class.
What’s interesting about this theme is that it mirrored the hoopla around an article on my beloved teacher John Friend in the NY Times. If you haven’t already, please read the article, John’s response to the article PLUS Elephant Journal’s exclusive interview with John. Interesting how perspectives and opinions shift and change if you simply choose to step deeper into them 🙂 And move from your heart.
This week’s online yoga class
This yoga podcast class is a level 2 class, and if you have a yoga block in the house, please feel free to take it out and play with it during our backbends towards the end of class. I cut a bit of the class in the middle because I did a demo that doesn’t really work if you weren’t there so why put you guys through it 🙂 If you do hear references to it, or to another demo that I had a student do, just dismiss them. Pretend that you went to the bathroom during that part of the class!
The Yoga Class Sequence
Downward Facing Dog
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana Opening Hip
High lunge onto straight leg on the front leg
Downward Dog
Bend elbows 3 inches
Crescent pose into Lunge Twist
Uttanasana x ardha uttanasana
Hands on hips shoulders up stand
Arms up interlace hands
Contrast shoulder loop
Big shoulder stretch
Surya namaskar x 2
Wide stance uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back
Surya namaskar to Downward Facing Dog
Vira 2 into reverse vira
Trikonasana/ ardha chandrasana/ trikonasana
Down dog
Trikonasana sequence
Uttanasana/ardha uttanasana
Standing hip stretch
Standing hip stretch into standing baby craddle
deep lunge with back leg straight
ardha bhekasana
DD with knees bent for lower back adjustment
Pigeon with Thigh stretch
Downward Facing Dog
hands of hips shoulders up stand up
setubandha with block in between the thighs
(optional into Urdhva Dhanurasana)
setubandha with block in between your shins
(optional into Urdhva Dhanurasana)
Urdhva Dhanurasana or Bridge pose
easy supine twist
Supta Padangustasana variation with bottom leg bent/straightening the bottom leg
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Great class!
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