Elsie's Yoga Class Update: Computer Woes and Angels do Exist

by Elsie on November 12, 2006

Just a short little notice telling y’all that I don’t have a computer! She is in the hospital with a 50/50 chance to live. I do hope to be able to get a class out by next weekend, with my sweet old computer or maybe a fancy new one, who knows!

Much gratitude to all of you who are listening out there!

Just to share: My friend Victor Cajiao, from the typical mac user and typical shutterbug podcast is truly and angel. He has been helping me diagnose the problem with my computer. He talked me through all the steps that I needed to take to make sure that all my info was backed up. He gave me hints as to what software to buy and also what kind of external hardrive. After giving him an update of what was going on with me he offered to record me on skype telling you all what’s up (which is what you hear on this weeks update). He added the music and edited it for me! Tell me that’s not the sweetest thing ever! I have thanked him so much already and I guess I just ask for some of you to check out some of his podcasts. He does some incredible work. I’m an avid listener to his Typical PC User Podcast. I’ve learned so much from him. I often write in to comment and to ask questions. I never feel like a ‘dummy’. He always takes the time to explain things so that they do make sense to me, and to all out there that may be a bit ‘typical’ in our computer world. He also has a truly phenomenal podcast called Immigration Tales, which I refer to in my update. I find it so informative and truly inspirational as I get to hear stories from people migrating. It’s a subject that deserves to be addressed. The way Victor has addressed the subject makes it so very human and personal. It really is worth a listen. Check out some of Victor’s stuff, as a thank you to him. He really is an angel!

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Andrea November 13, 2006 at 9:46 pm

i am in the same boat. migrating all my files to external hard drive as my baby needs to go to the hospital too.
mercury retrograde. i’ve had it all….car broke down, lost phone, tv broke, and now computer. crazy. makes sense that we have to ‘back up’ our communication information.

thanks so much for your classes. i listen to them at home. your energy is a gift. thank you.



Ayesha97 November 14, 2006 at 2:20 am

oh no! I hope your computer gets better soon… (or another one follows you home- you can’t turn it away, it needs a home too).


Elsie November 14, 2006 at 2:37 am

Talk about humility man! Thank you all for your support. I feel so out of touch, I can’t do things when I want, I have to wait to borrow someone else’s stuff and it’s not set up the way I’m used to….oh man! Who knew mercury was in retrograde, I should have known. I’m just thankfull that it was only my computer that’s been behaving badly! Sorry for all your woes, Andrea, now that’s a lot of crazy technology stuff going berserk! I’ll keep y’all updated!


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