Ep 87: Immunity As Receptive Strength, 25 Min Level 2-3 Yoga Class

by Elsie on January 17, 2011

Hunter got sick and it totally made me think about immunity. I’m sure that those of you that read this blog and perhaps other content that is similar are aware that immunity is not just about bacteria and viruses being present in your body and all of a sudden you get sick. It’s not just about the physical. It’s all about the beautiful trifecta of mind, body and spirit. All of this affects the how your body reacts and doesn’t react to pathogens that decide they want to wreck havok inside of your body.

The optimized circulation (inter-relationship) of our thoughts, our deep desires and the clarity of our body is the magic formula to sustain supreme health in all parts of our lives. I want to work more on that circulation.

While Hunter was sick I found myself getting harder, more fearful and less willing to soften, trust and be grateful. She has a cold for goodness sake! I felt a deep tightness in my belly. I let my mind go to places that it should not have been going to, and in the process I was feeling pretty crappy myself, wound up, stressed out and nauseous.

My circulation was off.

It took all of me to focus and remember the goodness, the steadiness and the beauty.

This practice is what I did to get myself back together. I put myself upside down. I forced myself to physically get into a place that I was NOT in. Getting into the shape transformed my ability to see more than the little things and re-attune myself to the Bigger picture 🙂

Physical benefits of this inversion/immunity practice:

Strengthening the circulatory system (big focus for me this year).

  • Improves blood-flow to the endocrine glands
  • Helps to energize and stabilize the whole of many systems.
  • Revs up the lymphatic system.
  • Energizes and strengthens the heart and circulatory system.

If you want to know more here are a couple of articles that are FANTASTIC about inversions and their affect on your body 🙂

The focus of this entire practice is all about staying centered when life puts you upside down.

Hands and knees

Downward facing dog 3 min


Pincha Mayurasana 1-2 min

pincha mayurasana


Handstand 1-2 min

handstand at the wall


Pincha Mayurasana 1-2 min

pincha mayurasana

Vajrasana with arms interlaced behind the back

Handstand 1-2 min

handstand at the wall

Uttanasana with arms interlaced behind the back


Let me know your thoughts about this shorter class in the comments!!!

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{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

Lauren January 18, 2011 at 3:38 am

Brilliant, Elsie, absolutely brilliant! I loved this shorter version, not that I don’t like the longer ones too. My wee ones have been on the ill side too and short little bits of here and there stuff see me through the times that are a bit rough. This was perfect for me today! Thank you! As always, you are wonderful to share and I enjoy coming and practicing.
Lauren recently posted..Saturday Morning Workout


Elsie January 18, 2011 at 2:08 pm


I’m so glad! I’ve been getting requests for shorter classes so often, and i’ve just simply not been able to do it. As you know time is limited, so creating extra time to record a shorter class as opposed to shooting two birds with one stone like I do recording classes I’m already teaching, is tough!

I hope to be able to do this more!


Nina January 19, 2011 at 4:25 am

Hi Elsie! I absolutely love this sequence! I listened through it while at school “working” with plans to practice when I got home only to remember that I’m menstruating right now, and everything I can find online says that I shouldn’t do inversions for various reasons. My problem is that I’m really craving them! Do you have any advice for me?

love and light to you and your little one!


Elsie January 24, 2011 at 1:59 am

I must agree with what you read online. Although my response is late, and I assume your cycle is long gone by now, it’s really not the best to do a practice like this, especially with such long holds while upside down.

I felt the same as well, until I started to honor my cycle for what it was. It took everything in my power to settle and allow my body to cleanse and attune to my female rhythms. We only have a few days to abstain from the greatness of upside down! You can certainly wait a little longer!


Katherine February 16, 2011 at 5:00 am

Oooh, wow. Short but power-packed! I loved it.

I really got a chance to see my own hesitation and fear when it came to the handstand. I realize that I’ve been avoiding them, and tonight I said to myself: “Katherine, you may not get up. You may fall. But you are going to TRY.” You know what? It was hard, but I got up there. I only was able to hold it for a few seconds, but I got up there!

I totally rocked Pincha Mayurasana, though. Yee haw! 😉

You really captured that place of fear when your baby is sick for the first time. I think it’s something that all of us who are mothers can relate to. I imagine she’s all well and tearing up the place like crazy by now. They get better. It gets easier to know that, but I won’t lie – there are still moments when my “baby” (who is now 6) will make my heart stutter just a bit when she comes down with that horrible, croup-y midnight cough.

Anyway, loved the podcast. Thanks, as always. xoxo


Elsie February 18, 2011 at 2:29 am

Katherine! I tell ya, those handstand…they have something magical going on…KEEP AT IT!!!

I can’t tell you how good it feels to get upside down and hold myself up. I’ve used this little secret whenever I get all out of whack. Something about it gives me the opportunity to shift. Congrats on rockin’ Pincha 🙂 Yipeee!

Yep, Hunter is doing awesome. It’s amazing how enveloped I got with the total worst thing ever! Of course she’s ok. Seriously. It was a cold 😉 Thanks for the encouraging words. It’s amazing how this whole motherhood thing forces you to go places you didn’t even know existed! *whew* I do hope to keep the sick stuff to a minimum though 😉

Thanks for stopping by love!


Nora March 7, 2011 at 9:25 pm

Thanks so much Elsie! LOVED IT.


Margo March 20, 2011 at 12:19 am

This sequence is fantastic! I’m really happy to have some shorter classes that fit my schedule and still work out my heart and body. Thanks for all you do! And here is hoping that these inversions can help ward off any more sickness for us this cold season!


Elsie March 27, 2011 at 8:23 pm

You are welcome Margo 🙂 I’m glad that the shorter classes work for you. I’m seeing how important these shorter sequences are for sustaining a practice!

Here’s to the power of inversions!!!!!


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